Dundas leads Western Sydney in building smart outdoor study hubs

OUR Local Community (OLC) councilor for Dundas Ward, Michelle Garrard has confirmed $1.5M from Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants (WSIG) will be spent in the Dundas Ward to focus on Youth Amenity. Part of this funding will go towards a trial of smart study hubs near school precincts in Dundas Ward. Construction is expected to commence within the next 12 months.

Clr Garrard said she has secured funding from WSIG for Youth projects to make our open spaces more age diverse.

Clr Garrard said if reelected at the September 14 Parramatta Council elections she planned to conduct a series of consultations with the local Dundas community to determine locations of the hubs and answer questions about access and timing.

“Parramatta has always been at the forefront of innovation and community development. Smart outdoor study hubs will be a first in Western Sydney and a testament to creating a city that meets the needs of all its residents, particularly youth,” Clr Garrard said.

“In a city where residents use our outdoor spaces as their backyards particularly in high density areas these hubs are more than just a place to study—they represent our investment in the future of education and community engagement.”

So, what are smart outdoor study hubs?

Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the hubs provide a safe, accessible, and comfortable environment for students and anyone looking to study remotely. They will offer charging stations, and ample lighting, making them ideal spaces for productivity.

The hubs are innovative open-air community spaces enabled with smart technologies. These multi-functional hubs provide flexible spaces to meet, work and play. The aim is to increase community connectivity and knowledge exchange, while also providing localised cool spots to combat rising temperatures and the effects of urban heat islands.

Each hub integrates a powered Smart Tree shade structure, smart furniture such as powered seats and tables, charging points, IoT environmental sensors, public Wi-Fi, solar power, lighting, smart bins, and smart drinking fountains, as well as public art and greenery. The environmental sensors capture data on urban heat microclimates, user numbers, and utilities.

The hubs will highlight Parramatta’s dedication to creating a connected, smart city where residents can thrive,.

“It’s a step towards ensuring that our community has access to the resources they need to succeed, regardless of whether they are in a traditional indoor setting or enjoying the outdoors, Clr Garrard said.

By leading the way with this initiative, Parramatta will set a new standard for what it means to be a modern, forward-thinking city. It reflects our ongoing commitment to innovation and the well-being of our community.”

“In Parramatta, we’re not just building an international city—we’re building a future. I look forward to delivering these great assets if re-elected in September,” Clr Garrard said.

Clr Garrad said she had canvassed local youth to see what they would like to see in local parks and outdoor spaces. The response was outdoor smart study hubs.


Author: admin

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